The engine is the most important part which powers the auto components Manufacturers in India. It decides the performance of the vehicle.
Gearbox is also called a transmission. The transmission uses gears to transmit the power from engine to the wheel of an auto components Manufacturers in India.
Drive axle sets the vehicle in motion. It allows the driver to turn the wheel and control the vehicle.
Oil filters eliminate the dust materials and unwanted coarse particles from the engine oil. By doing this, oil filters ensure the effective functioning of the auto components Manufacturers in India.
The frame of the vehicle is provided by the chassis which supports the various parts of the automobile such as engine, brakes, steering, axle, tires. The chassis is usually made by light steel or aluminium. The job of the chassis is to make sure the vehicle produces less noise and low vibration. If the engine is the heart of the vehicle then, the chassis forms the skeleton of the vehicle.
Brakes are used to halt or reduce the speed of the auto components Manufacturers in India.